Thursday, September 30, 2010

KEYWORD Research

Every good web master knows that they need to research their keywords before even considering making a web site. Knowing how many people are searching for your particular key words is crucial to making money online. They want to find key words with high amounts of searches and low amounts competition. In this article I'll talk about keyword research. We'll even go over the best free tool to use to find out how many times a particular key word is being searched for each month.

The first thing you want to do is find out what key words people are searching for. You can do this by using a free tool within Google Adwords. Sign up for a free account with them. Next go to opportunities and click the keyword research tool. Within the tool, type in the search term you want to research and it will tell you how many people are searching for the term. You'll even get the synonyms to your search term and their search volumes as well. If this already seems like too much work, you can always visit If not, then keep reading below.

Within the key word tool you will have the option of searching for the exact match, phrase match, and broad match. These different options will be explained with the key word “used cars”.

An example of broad match for “used cars” could be “used up old cars”. As you can see the broad match is not very targeted. If you want customers that are looking to buy used cars from you, you won't find them with that keyword.

A phrase match using this same keyword could be “red used cars”. Notice that the key words are still right next to each other in the same order. They will however, have other words to the front and back of them which may or may not be relevant.

You'll want to follow the results of the exact match. Our Minnesota Seo company only looks at exact matches when researching clients site. Using the exact match method you'll get the number of people who are only searching with the term “used cars”. If the numbers look good, you can make a site based off of this key word. If you find the numbers are not as high as you like, you can always try to use one of its synonyms.

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