Thursday, September 23, 2010

Roulette Systems That Are A Waste

Everybody that plays roulette online will know that there are plenty of roulette systems being sold online. The majority of people that play roulette online have wasted money on a roulette system at some point and that's because most of them are scams.

While it's embarrassing to admit it, I also have wasted money on bogus roulette systems and I am going to speak about a few of them. One of the earlier systems that I wasted money on was called Paragon roulette by Jerry Adams.

I purchased it back in 2007 and it was terrible, a complete scam. The website made me lots of promises and told me just what I wanted to hear. It said that I was being sold a secret bet and that by using it I could earn $15,000 a month.

The actual system was just betting on a group of numbers after they've slept for a few spins. That is nothing new and a long way from a secret bet, Paragon roulette was a total scam. Looking back it was obvious that it was a scam and to this day I feel foolish.

The Mayer Roulette Strategy is another system that I've blown good money on. It was cheap to buy so I just thought what the heck and bought it. I'm not sure if I would call it a scam as the theory is sound, it's just that there are several sites around the Internet that give it away for free.

It's obvious that the Mayer roulette strategy owner has just packaged together free information in order of making easy money. One system that was definitely put together off the strength of free information is the r-56 roulette system.

The owner says that it too over 5 years to come up with the system and that by using it you can quit your job. All you do with the system is bet on a colour when it hasn't shown for a few spins, it doesn't come close to meeting the claims made.

These are just 3 of the roulette systems that I've wasted money on, unfortunately I've also bought others to. The reason for me wasting so much money was because I was desperate to win so common sense never got in the way of my buying these scams.

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